Community / Press Release

Quebec Virtual Academy to return for the 2023-24 academic year

virtual learning
Montreal - Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The English Montreal School Board has announced that Quebec Virtual Academy will return for the 2023-2024 academic year.  Students from across the province with English eligibility, and who meet the criteria established by the Ministry of Education, are now able to apply for September admission for Kindergarten to Secondary V. The opening of a grade level is conditional to having a sufficient number of students registered. 

In its first year of operation, Quebec Virtual Academy has been able to meet the unique needs of its student population through flexible scheduling, ample teacher tutorials, extracurricular activity opportunities and regular follow up from the school and guidance team. Student athletes have had the opportunity to continue to train at high levels of their sport and participate in competitions and events in Ontario, British Columbia, California, and Europe.  Those students with long term medical conditions have been able to focus on their unique medical treatment plans while having their needs met by accommodating them academically and socially. Students living in a rural area have been able to access courses such as Chemistry and Physics which will lead them into their academic future in line with their true passion and interest.

Students in the following situation may be eligible for the delivery of remote education to complete all their academic requirements:

  • Those with a long-term medical condition who cannot attend school in person because of the severity of their needs.  All requests must be accompanied by a recent (less than three months) recommendation from a professional in the Health and/or Social Services Sector;
  • Those in a Sport-études program, or an elite athlete, whose academic needs cannot be met in their local school, due to a lack of accessibility to specific courses (e.g. scientific math, chemistry, physics) or distance and scheduling conflicts with the sports organizations and school;
  • Those who live in a rural area whose academic needs cannot be met in their local school, due to lack of accessibility to specific courses (e.g. scientific math, chemistry, physics) and where transportation to an alternative school is not an option. 

“Although physical school attendance is compulsory and beneficial for all students, the EMSB understands that for some individuals this may pose a challenge,” says Principal David Servello. “As a result this project has emerged and gives an opportunity to better meet their needs through live virtual classes and a set student schedule.”

Parents can complete the application process via the link at

About the English Montreal School Board

With a youth and adult sector population of more than 35,000 students, the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) is the largest English public school board in Quebec. Established on July 1, 1998, when the province created new boards along linguistic lines, the EMSB network consists of 73 schools and centres. For more details, visit the EMSB website at

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