School Reminders

Keeping it healthy - mind, body and soul

Friday, November 22, 2019

At Roslyn we know that for a student to perform at their best they need to have a healthy environment, both emotionally and physically. We take special care to instil a cooperative and caring camaraderie amongst students and an open forum for discussion with teachers and special need facilitators. We educate our students on proper conduct, and peer pressure, and have a zero tolerance policy towards bullying. 

Roslyn Home and School provides for a well-stocked health room. It is manned by volunteer parents and a coordinator who keep things running smoothly, along with a weekly visit from a CLSC nurse. A visit to the health room — a glass of juice, a quiet place to sit, an ice pack for a few minutes — is often enough to get students feeling better and back to class, so parents are free to stay at work.

To keep all of our students healthy and happy we ask that parents respect the following:

  • If your child is not feeling well in the morning, keep them at home until they recuperate.
  • If your child cannot attend gym or play outside, they must provide a signed note.
  • If a child comes to the Health Room with a fever of 37.5˚C, vomiting or diarrhea, parents or a guardian will be expected to come and pick them up.
  • It is very important that you provide accurate contact information and notify us of any changes.
  • If your child requires medication during school hours, parents must sign a waiver, and provide the specific dosage, frequency, and possible side effects as prescribed by the doctor, hospital or clinic.
  • While some vaccines are provided at the school, with parental consent, we ask that parents keep their children’s vaccinations up to date and ensure regular checkups with their family doctor.
  • Lice are an unfortunate reality even in the cleanest of schools and parents are asked to check their child regularly. Should your child have lice, please contact the school nurse and class teacher to avoid an outbreak and embarrassment.

Find out how to check for lice and treat it.